frilous's Forum Posts

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  • Helloo, I need you guys !

    I used wrap behavior on my PlayerBox and solid behavior on my WallSprite.

    When I move to the right and reappear to the left, I'm stuck in the sprite, but i make my sprite 'solid'. I want to be stopped when I try move to the right. It is possible ? Thanks you !

  • Wrap is a behavior and you will see it listed in the players behaviors when you call an event.

    On key pressed: Player behavior wrap disable.

    It is not there.. :/

  • Thank you !

  • So easy thank you !

    Do you know how to enable and disable Wrap with "press on button" ?

    I want an even to 'active' Wrap behavior.

  • Hi, what's up ?

    I've question, how do I lock my view & my character can run only on the locked view. (I think i know how to do, but not sure)

    And I want that when it comes out of the screen to the left, he reappears on the right.

    Ty for help and sorry if i did faults.

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  • I don't know how to use it so...

    And, i want to add every text on source text (and scroll teh source text) but i think i know how to do it, but which method to use and how ?

    Thanks you guys, you help me a lot !

    *Edit* If you have time can you make me a .capx example ?

  • Look :

    When i click on button 1 or 2, a Text (Text1, text 2 etc.) in a red circle replace my Text source and others button appear. I've a lot of text, and i know we can replace Text object by a file .txt

    For me and my game, what is better to use, for the weight of my game and me for the code ?

    If you don't understand tell me :p

  • Hello, i've question for my game, i'm actually creating a game like Lifeline (Practically 100% textual) and until now, when we choose something the 'Text1' set on the SourceText

    So i've a lot Text around my game, and i'm here to know, if it's a best solution or if I should use Text file with Ajax ?

    PS : A lot of Text maek my game heavier ?

    Thanks for reading, good day!

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  • Maybe my english is wrong, tell me if you don't understand

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  • Hello everyone !

    I'm here tonight, because i don't know how create a auto-scrolling text.

    Example :

    I'll create a "sprite1" with utility to receives texts, when i click on my button, the "TEXT1" appears on the "sprite1", when i re-click on my button, it makes appears the "TEXT2", but i want to put the text below the "TEXT1", same if i reclick on button etc (And of course, we can scroll up to see the old text)

    I want to know how to make disappear the 20th text everytime.

    Sorry for my faults, ty for read, thank you for the future helps !

  • Hello guys !

    I'm here today to know how can i edit or update (its a same) a text remotely, example :

    I want to write in C2 : "Game : 20%" and more i advance in my game more i want to % up. But i didnt want to update my game, so, it is possible to edit a text remotely ?

    Like news mails in Clash Of Clans.

    Thank you to take you time to read, and sorry for my faults, good day !

    If you've some questions, or you read something wrong, you're welcome to say it

  • I'm sorry but i don't know how to add my own font in the sprite font, my file is .ttf, it's right ?