douglasponciano's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts

    That's my brain game: "Think Fast".

    Please rate in on Google Play. :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi,

    I'm using CocoonJS to show a banner on "top center".

    And I have an horizontal bar object also on top.

    I'd like this bar to go exactly below the ad, with no space between.

    But the height of the ad vary acording to different resolution screens.

    How could we do this then?

    I'd like the bar to change its position to below the ad, only when there's ad showing.

    Or, it could stay always in that position, even with no ads.

    What I'd consider important is to not have any space in between.

    Any help would be welcome. Thanks!

  • Crumpuppet,

    I thought this wouldn't happen again to anyone.

    Email them at, they answered me in about 24hs, with the code.

  • BluePhaze and Roberto,

    Thanks for helping. I read the page about WebStorage in the manual, and already did what I wanted.

    The name is confusing so I wouldn't figure it out by myself.


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  • Hello,

    How do we create a HighScore variable to be stored in Android, even if the game is closed, and then have it retrieved when re-opened?

    Does someone know how to do this?


  • Hi,

    Ludei did answer my email. They said they had some problems with their cloud compiler. And sent me the registration code.

    Then I guess this problem will not happen with new accounts.



  • Thanks Cybearg.

    I'm trying to get this registration code since yesterday, too. And like you, emailed Ludei without a response yet.

    If I get a solution, I'll be posting here too.

    Let's hope somebody else knows how to solve this.

  • Hello there,

    I'm very excited to create new games and get them published on many platforms!

    Douglas Ponciano

  • Hello,

    I installed CocoonJS Launcher on my Android. And followed these steps:

    1 - Opened the app and clicked "Your App".

    2 - In the next screen got the "Registration code" field.

    3 - Clicked "Register" and signed up.

    4 - Received an email for activating account. And activated.

    5 - Received a welcome email.

    But neither of these 2 emails has a "Registration code".

    I wanna test my first game with this app, using preview over Wifi.

    Would someone please help me to get this code?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 9 posts