Chezzy's Forum Posts

  • Ok, I've been working on this problem for hours with no luck. I've moved on to some different method which I'm sure should work, but it just doesn't. My code looks like this:

    If "view" (an object) overlaps "terrain" (a family),

    subevent - pick "3dblocks" (another family) by comparison: if 3dblocks private variable "name" is the same as terrain private variable "name",


    System: create object 3dblocks

    3dblocks: set Z to "view" private variable "Z"

    To me, that seems like it should work. It looks as though I'm specifying the correct 3d box within the "3dblocks" family, but when the family instance is created it is a random 3d box from the family. I really need help with this one :/

  • I'm aware that it will automatically pick the object, but let me explain my dilemma. The event 'pick by name' is used, which does not specify any object in particular. So therefore, how do I say on the next line to change the Z elevation of the object that was just created by name? I can't pick any object out of the list of existing objects, because it could be any one of them.

  • Title says it all. Basically, I have the system object create a 3d box object by name, using a private variable of another object. However, I have no idea how to then select that object specifically so I can alter it's Z elevation.

    It's a small problem, and one I can work around with more events, but I'd rather not have to make new events for every time I make a different 3d box, I'd like to keep my event sheets small and manageable.

  • tulamide, if I could kiss you, I would.

    Jayjay thanks too, your solution helped a bit but when I made the blocks bigger the problem just came back. I think tulamide's solution is the legitimate one haha :P

    Thanks for your help guys!

  • Ok, it has been a short while and no one has replied, so I gather that this problem is more of a head-scratcher than I had hoped. I've uploaded my .cap file so you can see more clearly what I'm dealing with.

    Here's the .cap

    I really want this fixed :(

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  • I'm using 3d boxes in my game, and i've run into a problem. When the 3d box is being viewed at an angle so that the top is just visible (and the top image is therefore alot thinner vertically than it is originally) the left most edge of the top image of the 3d box loses some opacity. This small effect is enough to make it so these boxes won't tile properly, and I desperately need a way to fix it.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Ah, I can't believe I didn't try that. Thanks a million :)

  • I'm having a fairly unique problem, but I just have no idea how to fix it. I've created a family called 'shadows' and when an object is overlapping one of the objects in this family, it is given a grey colour filter and when it is not overlapping a 'shadow' object it is given a white colour filter (i.e. no colour filter).

    This worked when I had only one object (the player) that was moving in and out of shadows. Now it seems, after I've added some other objects (the rocks) overlapping the shadows, the player object does not lose the grey filter when it leaves the shadows.

    To make things more clear, I've included a .cap file. I realise this is a small problem in the grand scheme of things, but its one I have no idea how to fix.

    .cap download

    The events in question are in the 'terrain events' event sheet.

  • Ah great, that works.

    Yeah I understand what you mean about the wall collision boxes. I've made them diagonal now, with no gaps :)

  • Ok I have another problem now, I may as well post it in this thread as it's related to the cap.

    I now want the bullets to create an object and then disappear when they hit the walls. I've created an event which checks On Step and If Bullet is overlapping Wallblock (which is the collision detection block for the walls). However, the bullet just goes straight through. I've tried On collision with Wallblock aswell, to no avail.

  • Thanks it helped a lot :)

  • I've been working a bit with the Instant Hit option in Construct, and I've run into a problem. I want the bullet to create an object when it exceeds its range, and then disappear. However, instead it creates the object in the spot where the bullet was created - in other words, the bullet doesn't move at all.

    Here's my cap file so you can see exactly what the problem is.

    Mediafire upload

    WASD to move, left click to fire.

  • Wonderful :) Thanks.

  • Hey there, I was wondering is there a way I can remove the windows mouse cursor (in windowed mode obviously) so that it can be replaced by a custom cursor of my own?

  • Thanks so much, that did the trick. Awww I love this forum, you guys are so helpful