Super Ubie Land ad on Scirra = Virus on homepage?

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From the Asset Store
Set of tiles to create a map for top-down games. With desert, barren, & wasteland theme. Suitable to create RPG games
  • Hello,

    When I tried visiting as suggested by the Super Ubie Land ad showing on, Avast warned me of a trojan that the page tried to download onto my computer in gzip format via JS.

    Since my virus program won't allow me to visit the site anymore due to the threat, perhaps someone from Scirra could comment on this?


  • Seems ok to me.

    Might be a false positive.

    Have you emailed Avast? Virus scan companies are usually pretty quick to check, especially if there is a chance for them to discover something new.

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  • Yeah I already checked for false positives and also contacted Notion Games. What I've found out from forum topics on Avast is that an advertisement seems to be generating the problem, but I cannot confirm anything at this point since I still can't visit the page. Hopefully someone will be able to look into it.

  • Well my computer has got infected with well known bad trojan VIRUS.VBS.RAMNIT.C. It comes from html pages. I would recommend everyone to be careful because I only visit and read daily news.

  • Yeah I already checked for false positives and also contacted Notion Games. What I've found out from forum topics on Avast is that an advertisement seems to be generating the problem, but I cannot confirm anything at this point since I still can't visit the page. Hopefully someone will be able to look into it.

    Try white-listing tracking cookies... Those are pretty harmless, and you can get rid of them by clearing out your cookie cache right after you leave the site.

  • My web host guy told me that it is a false positive and it comes from the banner/html5 stuff from Construct. I made a Super Ubie Land banner on the site and it is some how triggering Avast's alert

  • Site's working good (Tested on Chrome and FireFox)

    It's a false alarm.

    I advice everyone to be careful about sites they visit.


    Hadzy Hayman

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