Online Fantasy Card Game. (With Source)

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From the Asset Store
Template for trading card game, fully documented in comments and video
  • Online Fantasy Card Game. — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <h3>The game:</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>This is a template for an online trading card game. The project contains a title screen, completed game-type and a deck editor for managing cards. Easily design your own card game with a wide range of built in card-modifiers.</p><p>This has been designed to give anyone wanting to create an online card game a head start. Swap out the assets for a look of your own or keep the temporary graphics while you design and test all the cards in your game.</p><p>Whether you are planning on using the project as is or just looking for a solid base to build off, this template will have you up and running in no time.</p><h3>Features:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Peer to Peer setup. Turn based multiplayer with no server costs.
    • Touch controls, plays well on android/windows tablets, phones as well as pc.
    • Simple gameplay with a lot of potential for strategy and depth.
    • Easily create and add 1000's of unique cards into the game with over 20 different card modifiers.
    • A full deck editor with mutliple save slots that will automatically scale as you add more cards.
    • Extensive notes throughout the project detailing exactly how it all works.
    • Tweakable settings to change how the game is played.
    • Adaptable. Keep elements that work for you and redesign anything that doesn't.

    <h3>Simple to learn:</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p> </p><p>See the screenshots below for an explanation of how the game works. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, before or after purchasing.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Online Fantasy Card Game.

  • GenkiGenga

    absolutely well done sir...

  • harrio Why, thank you good sir

  • GenkiGenga **slow clap.. slow clap** .. nicely made..

  • Cheers Pinoy.

  • Unfortunately i have't got it to work online. (tried with several friends)

    Not sure why, but i think its the Multiplayer plugin by Scirra, many seems to have problems with it.

    But its a great game, i hope that AI opponents will be implemented. That would rock!

  • Hey Xanxion,

    I'm sorry to hear your having problems with the connectivity. It's working fine for me but I have heard some people having issues due to either restrictive network configurations or with the isps themselves. Feel free to contact me by email, Id'e be happy to help you troubleshoot. Hopefully given a bit of time it will sort itself out.

    Will try to get to the AI in the not too distant future.

  • Hey Xanxion,

    I'm sorry to hear your having problems with the connectivity. It's working fine for me but I have heard some people having issues due to either restrictive network configurations or with the isps themselves. Feel free to contact me by email, Id'e be happy to help you troubleshoot. Hopefully given a bit of time it will sort itself out.

    Will try to get to the AI in the not too distant future.

    It is working for me too

    The singnalling server was down periodically recently due to updates.

    Also, AI will be an excellent addition

  • Thanks for the confirmation DUTOIT

    If you ever want some some feedback let me know! Really looking forward to seeing what people make of it.

  • i'll give a go later this week, might be because the server was down then!

  • Superb. Very good after purchase support as well!

  • Thanks Brandon!

  • lostheadstudio = quality game templates!

    1. friendly & helpful support via email

    2. great, clean and expandable script

    3. very well documented


  • Thanks Tobias, really appreciate it.

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    Some changes I already applied to my version of the script. If anyone with a license is interested how to implement them, just drop me a line. Although it might be really hard to add the changes, if you already modified the script by yourself.

    1. No Resource Cards

    In my version of the game there are no resource cards, instead ANY card can be discarded for mana. There can also be cards that gain more mana or no mana at all. Finally, you can revert back to the old system easily and even combine Resource Cards and my system.

    2. Break Value

    Cards do not deal their Attack to the opponents life. In my game there are "spheres" that you must break, and only 5 of them per player. Dealing - like 4 attack points - would be way too much. So there is the new Break Value. Typically each creature breaks only 1 sphere, but there can be creatures that break 2 or even more. You can switch back and forth the systems or even combine them (having creatures with a break value AND creatures that deal their attack to the opponents life - note that there is only 1 life stat though).

    3. Colored Mana

    Im currently working on this: It adds a "element" to each card and there are now several types of mana. Each card discarded (or resource card discarded) adds mana of its element. This diversifies the mana system a lot, making it much harder putting all the good cards in a single deck. It helps balancing and makes the game more interesting. Basically just a matter of copying all the cost related actions with some adjustments.

    4. Even more!

    More stuff coming soon: New abilities, Trample-Damage, Creatures that cannot block etc. etc.

    So goooooood!

    PS: Did not know if this is the right place to post.

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