Why is Stencyl doing better?

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Mouse cursor is something that the player controls and sees all the time, that's why it is so important to make it cool!
  • I just purchased C2 (the forum doesn't seem to have noticed this yet, but I did get the key, so it'll probably catch up, unless there is something I need to do). Before I handed over the dough, I had also looked at Stencyl, and while I feel that the iOS exporter is a big plus (iPad user here) and would genuinely love an RPG behaviour, C2 "clicked" better with me.

    To offer a few points, all of them naturally subjective:

    • I prefer C2's interface. The program actually feels like Windows software instead of a Mac port, and there weren't so many so colourful boxes (<img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />). Loading up an example and making changes felt intuitive and didn't cause major confusion. Someone in this thread mentioned a resemblance to VB, so maybe that is why C2's interface struck me as more familiar (but the last time I did anything with VB was in 1994, so maybe not! ;)).
    • C2 has a better price model. Paying one time is conventional and convenient, an annual subscription isn't. I swallow that toad when playing MMORPGs, but I prefer my application/development software to not suddenly revert to a demo if I don't pay regularly. C2 is also less expensive. (Plus, my partner really wants to make her own game, and she is more financially reasonable than I am, so C2 was also her choice -- she'll buy her own copy later in the week when she's convinced that I stick with it. Darn, so little faith in me!)
    • The focus on HTML5 sealed the sale. Flash is certainly the more wide-spread tech right now, but that's just "now" and won't stay that way. If I invest time (and a little money), I may as well go with the next big thing. Besides, I never managed to warm up to Flash. HTML5 is pretty much where it'll be at in a couple years, so why not get there before the masses?
    • The web site design and the manual/guides: Much cleaner, easier to read, accessible, and there are "trophies"! Nifty idea, that. :) Seriously, though, I just like the "feel", and if I'm going to spend time with something, I might as well make sure the whole environment is appealing to me. Silly reason? Perhaps, but I'm not a techie, so I like the fluff!
    • Finally, after reading the blog entries, I decided that "Hey, I like these guys!" and that I want to support this project. This is, again, a feelie-touchie reason, but it ties in with the one before: it's all about the atmosphere.

    I'm definitely looking forward to where C2 is headed. :) And with that, back to wading through the examples!

  • Mivo great feedback thank you!

    Just to let you know that the badges you refer to are only for 'Early Adopters', these are users that purchased Construct 2 very early on in it's development.

    Customers at the moment do not get these badges, however we are going to be introducing a badge for paying customers soon that will look slightly different! As soon as it's released you should be awarded one automatically.

    Can't say when we will add this but coming soon :)

  • >

    > C2 only need a RPG behavior and a better and complete new Z ordering menu to overcome Stencyl in all the ways..

    This :D

    I wish I could give a +1 to this. I'm struggling to figure out how to do an RPG in Construct 2. Making progress. But struggling. RPGs are my love, ever since I played Ultima II on one of the first Macs.

    Please, oh, please, make plumbing for RPG. The latest version of RPG Maker came out, but distributing RPG Maker games is difficult. Distributing an RPG in HTML5 would be easy.

    RPG! RPG! RPG!

    Errr ... does Stencil have RPG behavior built in? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • It shouldn't be hard to make an RPG movement with events. Z ordering menu is on the todo list.

  • Since the thread got bumped I'll throw in my 2 cents (and a probably boring story) here too. I made a game and tried to "monetize" it. Asked a few friends here and there, seems like Flash is really easy. There's FGL, and loads of portals. There's APIs to integrate ads and sites you can ask for sponsorship on. So #6 (clearer path to monetization) is really what Flash is still much better at. Not sure when HTML5 will catch up.

    So I thought I don't want to wait for HTML5 to catch up, I'll just port the game to Stencyl, should be pretty straightforward, there's not too much logic and all the sprites are done, so how long can it take, really?

    Went in and downloaded the 2.0, after reading about it and all the cool things it has over 1.0 (it does sound VERY promising). But I couldn't make much progress with it because there's no tutorial yet for 2.0, you have to know 1.0 as the concepts are the same, then get to 2.0 and you pick it up. So I download 1.0 and shoot the first crash course tutorial. To make an actor move, you have to "code" it, i.e. you have to tell it when W is pressed move up, when S is pressed move down, when they are released, Stop. And I'm thinking "8 direction...". The interface with the puzzle blocks seems clumsy to me too, but I'm sure I could get used to it in a couple days.

    Apparently the 2.0 has built in behaviors so you don't need to code movement and such. I decided to wait for that (should be released soon, like in a couple weeks or so) and give it one more go then.

    Their forums are active enough, I asked a couple questions and got pretty quick responses.

    But at the end of the day, after playing with Stencyl (both 1 and 2) for a few hours: I find C2's interface way easier and more intuitive. Grouping, event sheets, property sheet - everything is familiar to me (sounds like #regions, code files, property sheets from Visual Studio). It's also faster. I find C2 superior, but for this monetization aspect which to me becomes more and more important. I know things will improve, but I don't think it will be in the near future.


  • Of course Stencyl is doing better. It came first. Flash, even now in it's sunset is a robust technology, widely supported by all browsers with no kind of difference, has integrated support in gaming portals and every kind of social networks.

    Stencyl took advantage of that and used it the best it could. It used everything existing and provided support for it. Users knew exactly what to expect, and flash was dominant.

    You can take flash wherever you want, and run it. Support still exists and Flash will still last. In my mind, Flash IS integral to the web experience.

    Construct is yet the new kid on the block and the only constraints it has are those present in HTML5. For a while, if not always, Construct will be shadowed by Stencyl.

    Should we as users care? I think not.

  • You can take flash wherever you want, and run it.

    Except iOS devices. The iPad has been selling like hot cakes last year and continues doing so this year. Moot point, I know, since Stencyl has an iOS exporter. :)

    I still think Scirra's focus on HTML5 is a smart move. By the time HTML5 has gained more momentum, C2 will be among the top tools for HTML5 game creation, if not the tool. While Heinlein once wrote that specialization is for insects, I do believe that in this case it's the right choice (besides, there is nothing besides resources preventing Scirra from developing additional exporters, so this is always an option for later, too).

  • Don't get me wrong, but I think Stencyl is way ahead in this "race".

    I've been using construct classic for years now, and I was planning to move to C2, but "Html5 only" is a very limited thing.

    Stencyl exports to all kinds all platforms, exe, app, flash, ios, and in the future android and html5.

    That makes all the difference. What do gamedevs want? To reach the larger audience they can.

    Even Classic is becoming obsolete because Game Maker and MMF have several different export options.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I personally chose C2 because this interface is more friendly than Stencyl.

    I do not believe in native apps because they can be pirated.

  • Web games are great ! All my favorite games are native, ops!

    I don't really like the current feeling of playing games in a browser. This could change though.

    About Stencyl yeah reach wise they're way ahead of C2. Exporting HTML5 games unfortunatelly right now doesn't translate to covering all platforms. By covering i mean don't only reaching but running well. So if they've got the resources to trully exporting to all platforms they have the advantage in that aspect. However , their IDE falls short compared with C2's.

  • saw this news recently about stencyl on Indie Games:



    looks like lately IndieGames writes article about game making tools,

    maybe a good chance to request article about Construct 2 in there ?

    Speaking about Stencyl, damn they move so fast...

    they already have option to publish on desktop (Win & Mac),

    iOS & Chrome Web Store & Web (with Flash), also HTML5 & Android soon.

    plus already full support for iAds, In-App Purchasing (IAP), Mochi, CPMStar, Newgrounds and Kongregate.

    While we're still waiting for Awesomium, AppMobi/Phonegap plus any browser support to get their part/tech done.

    ...sounds like we're relying too much on external power... <img src="smileys/smiley26.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    still loving C2 though,

    plus I hate stencyl subscription model.

    (however i wonder if appmobi also require subscription when we're using their direct canvas thingie,

    because if it is then it's pretty much the same as stencyl then.. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle"> )

  • Since I purchased a Commercial License for Construct2 on January 7th 2012 I have had continuous work in gamification of non-traditional web processes and have work booked up for at least another 12 months.

    I looked at about 20 different ways during the prevous month including appraising stencyl. I wished this forum topic existed then as I would have purchased Construct2 a lot sooner.

    To me, there are two simple requirements from any software:

    1. worth investing my time to learn (roadmap, extensibility etc)

    2. does what my clients never expected would be possible

    Construct2 exceeds both!

  • For the hobbyist/amateur game designer there is one argument that beats all: the price.

    If you want to make a desktop game, grab CC for free.

    If you want to make a browser game, buy C2 for $79

    Stencyl also offers both for $79 - but that's an annual fee. As soon as the 13th month starts, C2 has the better value/price ratio.

    I'd say that counts at least as much as any integration of web services.

  • Now that I've spent more time doing native mobile development I actually understand the need for subscription based software: things change too fast. It isn't the good old days of write for DirectX once then let the money roll-in. You have to constantly update your software. Furthermore, your software has to work on every phone! As far as online programming goes - I hate it! All those ridiculous, subtle cross-browser differences. I don't care which browser it is, but I wish we just had one browser (okay, maybe not IE due to no JS strict mode). I suspect Ashley and Tom are being underpaid, but they must be a tough-as-nails programmers to want to do online (shudder). When C2 is finished I would support switching to subscription based sales as HTML5 is probably moving faster than mobile and thus requires constant updating.

    EDIT: Finished isn't the word (it might not ever be 'finished' as the standards keep growing), but there are a few important features missing that keep C2 just shy of being subscription ready.

  • HTML5 is still a bit of a work in progress... but I anticipate by the end of the year we'll have all platforms covered really well by just HTML5 alone. In the long run, this is a much better solution than trying to support/maintain different codebases.

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