Unpolite behaviour

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  • I am sorry to start this thread, but I am realy annoyed by the behaviour of some members of this board and I would like to ask the community how they see this.

    Everyone is sticking to the board rule, that the language to be used is english.

    This seems not to apply to the spanish community members. They constantly ignore the admonishment from Tom, there even exist a spanish TUTORIAL

    This all makes me wonder why all the others, that also have another mouther tongue try to put everything in english....

    So, how do you see this? I am a litte p... and right now, I am more or less not willing to help any spanish people out anymore... <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Whilst I agree that they should adhere to English only 'rule', and I can understand a little of your frustration, I think you're wording is a little harsh. Saying you are considering not helping just the 'Spanish' is just plain wrong. Please don't go down that route :(

  • Saying you are considering not helping just the 'Spanish' is just plain wrong. Please don't go down that route :(

    Thank you for your calming words. My experiences with some people of the spanish community is not the best. First you help them out, then you dont even get a thank you and in the forum the suddenly are not able to speak english anymore? Makes you wonder, doesnt it?!

  • It's not worth getting that worked up about it. :/

    Also, that sort of behavior is not exclusively from the Spanish-speaking community, nor does it affect all of them. There's no need to single them out that way or treat them all as a single entity. Don't judge an entire group of people based upon the actions of a few.

  • Also, that sort of behavior is not exclusively from the Spanish-speaking community, nor does it affect all of them.

    It may not apply to all of them, but please be so kind and show me another thread, that is so "stubborn" or show me a tutorial in any other language besides the spanish one?

  • It's really not a big deal. Chill man, relax! :) No offense was meant, the posters probably simply didn't realize they were supposed to stick to English.

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  • Arima - I am more or less relaxed. Its just something that I noted - they just ignore all hints and keep on going in their thread.

    There once was a "little" chit chat between us germans, which was immediatly overruled....

    So are you telling me, that spanish people are handled different then germans?

    If so, my next tutorial will be in German....and I am very currious what reaction I will get.

  • If you go back to the german thread, you can notice that it is a german member who simply said that on the forum it's prefered to have english only posts.

    The thread wasn't overruled with an iron fist by any staff member as you seem to be saying.

  • The thread wasn't overruled with an iron fist by any staff member as you seem to be saying.

    Ok, not overruled....so you're saying that the germans obey while the spanish ignore?

  • Arima - I am more or less relaxed. Its just something that I noted - they just ignore all hints and keep on going in their thread.

    There once was a "little" chit chat between us germans, which was immediatly overruled....

    So are you telling me, that spanish people are handled different then germans?

    If so, my next tutorial will be in German....and I am very currious what reaction I will get.

    There is a difference between doing something because you don't realize you're not supposed to and doing something even though you realize you're not supposed to. There's no need to get so standoffish about the issue.

    Kyatric didn't say anything of the sort. Even if you claim to be relaxed, you're still going on about a very miniscule thing. Drop the issue or I'm locking the thread. Basing these arguments generalizing entire groups of people based upon singular threads is ridiculous.

  • As Kyatric has said, there has never been an iron fist approach to enforcement - which is good IMO - but Ashley did request that posts remain English in THIS POST.

  • Oh there have been more than one requests in the spanish threag, but they just ignore them.

    Anyhow, I for myself will adapt my behaviour accordingly now....english is not my mother langauge, so why should i try to make myself heard if not really needed....?!?

  • *sigh*

    This ends now. It is a ridiculous thing to get so worked up about.

    If you want to post your next tutorial in German, for "motivation questionable", then feel free... Just remember the majority of the community here that we try to promote will not be able to make use of your information (since we promote the use of English).

    I for one, wish I could speak another language, so perhaps yo should consider yourself lucky that you had that opportunity. I have no problem understanding your English, if you are implying that you having difficulty in communicating.

    I trust that your irrational sense of cultural deprivation will no longer be an issue here.


  • Now Sol, let me get one thing very clear...

    I thing SCIRRA is doing a great job with running this site, developing c2 and managing this all as a two men show.

    I enjoy giving my support to them, with all I can "give". Helping people out, answering questions in the board and writing tutorials in english.

    Now, I have some expiriences with other boards and I have seen many board losing activ members because of different issues. One of them is moderators, that stop a dicussion just because the topic is "difficult". Another on is allowing a "sub-community" to grow.

    You are a Mod here, and stopping my thread, but letting the spanish thread keep on going is something I can not understand.

    Trust me, I will keep my "trap" shut, because I do not want this board or scirra to suffer, and I will not be stubborn by publishing anything in a language different then english. I am just a litte annoyed by rules, that do not apply to all.

    You may close this thread, if you feel like it....

  • This was not a "thread stopper" it was merely a "wake up and check yourself out, because you're acting like a big baby."

    You are entitled to have your objections, and feelings. What you are not entitled to do is have a tantrum about it.

    Do you think something should be done about the non-English information? Send a PM to a mod, and we can forward it to Admin level. Making a thread to complain about it is simply childish and draws un-needed attention to yourself.

    If you want to object, do it in a civil manner.


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