The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi,

    My name is Bruno.

    I'm a schizophrenic disabled Freeware's games programmer.

    I use multiples tools, trying to spend my time.

    I'm also a music composer, and i'm learning to draw.

    It's useful to be a better pixel artist.

    I live in Corsica (French island in the south of France).

    I can't work on my games all the time, this is why i work alone.

    But i like to receive good advices when i create a Freeware.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • hi

    my name is zul

    i'm new here

  • I came here because I'm doing a Construct 2 club with Mr Howard.

  • Hey im new to C2 just wanted to say hi

  • Working with Construct2 programing fulltime since a year ago <<<<

  • Hey everyone, I'm Joshua! I found out about Construct 2 about a month ago. A friend told me about it, so I decided to check it out. It seemed like a good program, so I decided I would use it. I'll be making games in the style of SNES games, and maybe other styles at times.

  • HI Guys,

    i make animation films and have also done animal documentaries

    in India, Nepal and China...

    nowadays, i sit more before a computer screen and write the screenplay

    for my first feature length film. i would like to dabble in game design

    as i complete my long project.

    cheers / Gul Ramani

    feel free to see my work in youtube or vimeo and look forward to

    interacting with you!

  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm very much interested in developing games. I hope my dreams come true with all your support.


    Sudeep Vundurty

  • hey everybody, an avid game enthusiast here to fulfill his dreams of creating...dungeon baby. a unique sidescrolling adventure which will leave you begging for more, talk to me if you have ideas about the game or wanna know what its about

  • Hello, I'm RafaQlo. My english isn't good, but I want to learn this :3

  • Hi,

    BlueLizzardGames here. I used to create games using XNA/C#. I am not trying out Construct 2 to see if I can re-create some of my older successful titles

    I have spent most of the day learning what is happening with Construct 2. It is going well, some nigly things I need to work out but so far it is smooth sailing.

    Thanks for a great easy to use tool

  • Hi, I'm mrEkli / ACT Works. Was a long time user of Clickteam products for around 14 years. Then worked in Video Game QA. Now doing C2 work for a software company.

  • hi, i need to do new games

  • I found out about this program from a "make a videogame" contest. I've enjoyed learning the program and dabbling about. I'm reading lots of tutorials and trying to find my inspiration.

    I've enjoyed the Scirra store and shopping for assets (too much fun). I'm working up the nerve to purchase the full version of Construct 2, but haven't yet (when's the next sale? lol).

    I hope one day to be able to contribute to the community in the form of a tutorial, demo game, or assets. We'll see!


    California, USA

  • G'day all, Mattrix here. I have a platform runner in the works and hopefully I'll be able to get it done some time soon.

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