How did you hear about Scirra?

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  • I heard about Construct almost what, four years ago? I was struggling with MMF at the time, and I kept hearing rumors about Construct on the Daily Click forums. Back then it was kind of a touchy subject to talk about there. At any rate I was looking for an alternative to MMF, and I was willing to try anything at the time. Turns out it was a pretty good program. Long story short, I've been here ever since <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • newt

    Yeah I thought about that but I believe there's no "collision" between two lesbians..only smooth love. :P

  • I kept hearing rumors about Construct on the Daily Click forums. Back then it was kind of a touchy subject to talk about there.

    I think it still is! Just this week some comments about Construct on a Daily Click news post were deleted. Guess they still like to pretend we don't exist.

  • Oh, when I saw ashley posted, iwas hoping to learn how he first heard about scirra

  • Probably in a vision when hitting his head on the toilet.

  • No, no, he was STANDING on the edge of a toilet hanging a clock, he slipped and hit his head on the edge of the sink. Then when he woke up, he had a revelation, a picture, a picture in his head, a picture of construct. This is what makes easy game development possible!

  • Actually, a magical cog fell from the sky and hit me in the head as a baby.

  • A buddy on toribash's forum told me about this program after their were some chatting about game making. The main solutions the guys used at that time was flash and the portal newground.

    He mentionned Construct, I looked at it and was hooked right from the start.

    It felt like all the computer/coding knowledge I've had been gathering during all the years had finaly melt into a consistant picture.

    Construct felt to me like the perfect interface to actualy make the game as I saw it in my head (in its conception perceptive).

  • No, no, he was STANDING on the edge of a toilet hanging a clock, he slipped and hit his head on the edge of the sink. Then when he woke up, he had a revelation, a picture, a picture in his head, a picture of construct. This is what makes easy game development possible!

    Construx Capacitor?

  • That makes me wonder how he came to hear about C2...


  • Played this mini metroid demo, thought it was frickin cool, found out it was made using Construct, got me interested. Wait a minute...this thread is a year old!

  • I heard about Scirra Construct Classic quite awhile ago. Not sure when and where, but I believe it was after searching for free game creation tools that i happened on CC. However, I never downloaded a Scirra product until possibly 2 years-ish later with C2. In fact, I bought the early adoption license without even trying the free version. ^_^

    PS: I can finally get on the forums after 7.5 months!!! Woohoo! Thanks Team Scirra. ^_^

    Played this mini metroid demo, thought it was frickin cool, found out it was made using Construct, got me interested. Wait a minute...this thread is a year old!

    Oops! I just noticed that after I read your post!   <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Long time user of Clickteam products, heard about some 'upstarts' ripping off MMF2 on "The Daily Click" if i remember. Obviously i knew the community there was full of it so i came here to test it out, and almost walked away before downloading. I was passing it off as a "too good to be true" type of scheme. When i actually did try it though, it was miles ahead of MMF2 even in it's (then) buggy as hell version.

  • Hemmm , A long Story , 3 years ago , I was in 5th grade of elementary school and I always wanted to make games but sucked at coding ( I was only 10 years old) So I entered on Google " How to make game without any programmation"

    And I saw Construct Classic that I immediately Loved !

  • Heard about it in a podcast after Miniboss, an amazing indie dev group here in Brazil talked about their experience using CC to do Talbot�s Odyssey( It was very inspirational talk and of course, as a lazy procastinator I was, it has taken me almost two years to open the program again.

    So, this year, me and my gf where talking about learning Unity and doing some games one sunday. I�ve told her about C2 and downloaded the free edition and in about 3 hours we had a working prototype of the game we just used to talk about, so we fell in love and bought it one month later. ;]

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