> > It's interesting to see where Godot went from 2014 till now. Version 3.0.1 was released a few days ago. Incredible how far they have come and it's a free/open source engine.
> > Exporting to all major platforms including web. It looks like Deponia 4 was done in it for PS4.
> > Really quite amazing, getting about $7500 monthly in recurring revenue from Patreon + who knows what other donations.
> > Visual Scripting that was spoken about was added. Pretty much like Blueprints. Not like Constructs great system which I prefer to the Blueprints way, but cool nonetheless. I think more than anything Unity and GameMaker might have some real competition on their hands with this.
> > I think I'll download it and play around with it for a bit.
> >
Why quote yourself?
Your post makes no sense. Am I missing something?
Yup, I accidentally did that somehow in doing an edit it seems.