Are the forums 'dying'?

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  • I noticed the forums aren't as popular as they used to be. I could be wrong but which channels are more popular these days to discuss anything C3? I know there's Reddit which doesn't seem to be any more popular than the forums. Or is everyone on Discord these days?

    It could be that people are scattered over different channels of course. Sometimes I think C3 is becoming less popular, but I could be wrong.

  • There's been at least 25 posts in the past 24 hours, so it seems pretty busy to me. I usually check the forums every working day and it seems about as busy as usual.

    Instant messaging tools like Discord can work for getting immediate help, but I think forums work better for creating a searchable archive of knowledge, so where possible I think it's best to post to the forum.

    People generally also only post when they have a problem... so a quiet forum could be a sign of software working well! 😅 I don't think a forum getting hundreds of posts a day with everyone struggling with bugs and difficulties would necessarily be a better situation!

  • yea I think a lot of the activity has moved to the community discord

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  • I definitely agree about the forums being better in terms of help. Though the search function in the forums could definitely be improved. Often I use Google to search the C3 forums. 😅

    Just like you mentioned, the forums are an archive, and everything in Discord is basically temporary which seems like dang shame to me, because so much knowledge and help is being shared and given there.

    Honestly I'm not much of a fan of Discord because the whole program looks like a circus with all the busyness, icons, flashing things, messages, different channels sounds etc. so it can be confusing.

    Here, the forums are divided into topic with messages. Clear and simple. Discord is basically a chat program and when it's really busy on a channel, your message or question won't get any visibility.

    Enough of my Discord rant though.

    I suppose Reddit is also like a forum, except with the huge drawback that new replies in topics don't bump the topic. It will be buried forever, slowly but surely, regardless of the amount of replies it's getting.

    So you basically get 'one chance' and you need to be lucky that someone will find your topic. I also don't like the new layout, I don't understand why they put so much white space around everything.

    Forums ftw.

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