Amazon is giving away free CS2 GameDesign book !

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  • Free from the 29th to the 30th of November

    So You Want to Be a Game Designer!: A Balanced Book of Practice and Theory [Kindle Edition]

    <font color=blue>(Search for it since scirra doesnt let hyperlink)</font> <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So You Want to Be a Game Designer! is all about designing games, with you as a beginner in mind. Have you ever wondered about the possibilities for breaking into game design but don't know where to start? This book is composed of 50% theory and 50% practical examples, enabling you to start creating classic games right away, while leafing through helpful examples. Several indie developers and seasoned game designers were interviewed for this book, including Vlambeer (Ridiculous Fishing, Super Crate Box) and Launching Pad Games (Scarlett & The Spark of Life, Mighty Fin).

    This book is not intended as a standard work to complement existing books about game mechanics or basic concepts of fun. So You Want to Be a Game Designer! is focused on getting you started with the right market segment (independent publishing) by working with intuitive (free) software. The book is meant to expand and will be updated regularly with new game designs and interviews. Every new addition contains a new kind of game and clear instructions on how to create it. Once purchased, you'll receive all new updates for free and you will be able to build on your experience thanks to clearly written tutorials and helpful interviews.

    The contents at a glance:

    • Three game designs, showing how game mechanics work in Construct 2
    • Five interviews with independent developers
    • Several tutorials that explain how to create assets such as backgrounds, animations and game objects
  • grab that book. first look - interesting.

    but have no idea how to get out from amazon cloud.

  • It's only on the Kindle, so the free book will only cost you $69 (to buy a Kindle) <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • There are free kindle readers apps, so its interresting, however, I can not find the link to get it/download/aqcuire.

    Anybody got a link ?

  • So there is. Actually just "purchase" the book and it takes you to a cloud-reader.

  • Just install kindle on any smart device. Log in. And "purchase" the book (its 0$)

  • How to get it from there ?

    In the corner it only says:

    This title is not currently available for purchase

  • If you have an account on Amazon,

    go to So You Want to Be a Game Designer!: A Balanced Book of Practice and Theory

    Click on the top right picture <img src="" border="0">

    After that, go to

    Amazon Kindle For PC

    Install it.

    You can now read this book :D

  • Nice find, downloaded.

  • Nice find, downloaded.

    I'm not getting a download link :

    It states that its not available :\ proably country restricted, seeing as the author is dutch, perhaps he didnt want it distributed free in NL.

    Burvey, you able to share yours ?

  • This book seems actually really good (at least what ive read so far)

  • Skimmed the book... seems very well written !

    Thanks for posting !! Much Appreciated !!

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  • Purchased it for free - thanks, just waiting for my kindle to charge up - lol, been awhile.

    Thanks for find.

  • Thanks for posting great find!

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