Shmup fans will be happy

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From the Asset Store
** Fully animated electric fans game asset pack ***
  • HI there,

    I work on Construct and C2 for a long, time. Today I 'am proud to show you my biggest work with my indie game studio : Bathofblood : Worldbreakers.

    We are passionate about 2D games such as « R-type » and « Last Resort » so we chose to create an horizontal shoot’ em up for our first game.

    on a science-fiction environment, new items such as deep shots, dodge, and payback all in a very dark 2D high quality graphic style.

    « Bath of Blood » is a game made by players for players and based on a lot of knowledge of video games and many conversations with people to whom we asked for feedback: “what can we bring and add to the game play in shoot’ em up’s ?“

    Here are the links for more video information, print-screen …:

    We hope you will enjoy what you see. all opinion from you is an help for us, please fell free to comment this prototype.

    thx for your support!

  • hello all,

    there is some news from current developpement.

    Wordbreakers come to break the world... ok it's obvious

    don't miss our page here:

    Dodge is a main feature in B.O.B.

    it is a way to take a breathe and move around the screen to regain the advantage on the enemy.

    Found below a new screenshot from the intro which illustrates this concept.

  • kayupla

    Looks great! Good luck with the project.

  • Reminds me of an old game called Darius

    Add mechanical fish, and i will be the first to buy your game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Does look really cool. I love that art in your second post of the ships in space. Interesting mechanic having the player fire manually (could possibly make it hard though later on because people normally focus their eyes on a small area around the ship to avoid getting hit). If you could switch between manual firing mode and an auto mode (that just fires straight ahead) then that would be ideal imo.

    Perhaps firing in manual mode could do more damage?

  • Thx all for feedbacl it's a really precious thing !

    The actual gameplay include 2 fire mode : straight (with view finder) and bottom mode. Then the view finder is freely movable. Your idea (# GenkiGenga ) is a very good one, we will think about it, and so, you just won a beta acces to the game when it's done^^ ( I contact you by PM).

    Then, some news :

    This is a battle cruiser named IRELLE.

    Multiples tracking lasers set the rhythm as the main beam will brings the mélodic solo.

    I guess The song will be catchy! I hope you are ready to dancing?

    see more on :

  • IRELLE cruiser integration with the "white" level's background. You could see it's place and the remaining space on the screen.

    The white level is a rare level has not yet been ravaged by WorldBreakers. Marco, the game's main protagonist, could he save this town?

  • Breathtaking pics and game art. Looking forward to it. This is gonna be big!

  • Hello all, We are working on the environments at this moment.

    It seems quiet but don't be fooled, Once enemies cames out you are going to be very busy. Bath of Blood atmospheres are very important for us.

    Don't hesitate to like it on networks and spead the words to your fiends about our game

    TYVM more soon

  • Wow the artwork within this looks incredible! Great work!

  • A new mecha for the new year. Wishing you all good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year!

    French press begin to talk about us, that's awesome, this giving us some strenght to go ahead. ... profondeur

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  • Wow, looks really good guys. You sure know your stuff

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