Skydiver idea

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  • 3 posts
  • I was enhancing my understanding of C3 after perusing the most recent journal. It's reassuring to learn that there is support for simple 3D geometry. Now, an old concept can finally materialize.


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  • I don't see any 3d. I just see a bunch of images stacked. They change color and scale to give the illusion of moving down a tunnel. There is also some parallax proportionate to the scale.

    For example with some crudely drawn edges:

    The most novel problem is the collision detection which would require pixel collisions. It's not completely straightforward with Constructs features to do that, but it is possible to take the images, paste them into canvas, read the pixels, and store a collision mask into an array. Then you just would sample use the arrays when you run the game to see if the player hit a wall or if they had a near miss, etc...

  • I don't see any 3d. I just see a bunch of images stacked. They change color and scale to give the illusion of moving down a tunnel. There is also some parallax proportionate to the scale.

    For example with some crudely drawn edges:

    The most novel problem is the collision detection which would require pixel collisions. It's not completely straightforward with Constructs features to do that, but it is possible to take the images, paste them into canvas, read the pixels, and store a collision mask into an array. Then you just would sample use the arrays when you run the game to see if the player hit a wall or if they had a near miss, etc...

    Or you could simply use Z sorting and do overlap with top image only, or move top image to another layer etc.

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