Tutorial: Platform School

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • Great new installment deadeye, good job

  • Good job!

    But...how I can do a veritial moving platform?

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  • Good job!

    But...how I can do a veritial moving platform?

    It's a lot harder than it sounds. I wouldn't really consider it a "beginners" thing. I still have yet to make one that works flawlessly. In fact, I haven't seen one that someone's made in Construct yet that works flawlessly. There's always jitter or collision problems because of the gravity on the platform behavior.

    I'm pretty sure I could work one out if I spent the time on it, but it would be more complicated than a horizontal platform. If I do make one that works I'll include it in an "extra credit" tutorial

  • This is the best and most intuitive form of tutorial I have ever seen. Holy .cap!

    I think it would be great to have a level editor in addition to the game, so if you have time I would really appreciate a tutorial explaining how to make one, and maybe even how to make the levels seperate files or something of that nature!

    Thanks for these great tuts! can't wait for the next one!

  • > Good job!


    > But...how I can do a veritial moving platform?


    It's a lot harder than it sounds. I wouldn't really consider it a "beginners" thing. I still have yet to make one that works flawlessly. In fact, I haven't seen one that someone's made in Construct yet that works flawlessly. There's always jitter or collision problems because of the gravity on the platform behavior.

    I'm pretty sure I could work one out if I spent the time on it, but it would be more complicated than a horizontal platform. If I do make one that works I'll include it in an "extra credit" tutorial

    To make this easier the next version of the Platform behavior has builtin support for horizontal and vertical moving platforms, as well as that Platform attribute (to enable jumping through platforms) .

  • oh god yes. any date estimate for release, if i may ask?

  • It'll be a christmas gift, if that makes sense .

  • Sounds great! Can't wait.

  • To make this easier the next version of the Platform behavior has builtin support for horizontal and vertical moving platforms, as well as that Platform attribute (to enable jumping through platforms) .

    Thanks Rich (and David ) for the new features.

    In light of the new addition I'll be remaking lesson four to utilize the new changes. And to save myself some hassle, I'll wait until the next build is out before I release another lesson

    This is the best and most intuitive form of tutorial I have ever seen. Holy .cap!

    I think it would be great to have a level editor in addition to the game, so if you have time I would really appreciate a tutorial explaining how to make one, and maybe even how to make the levels seperate files or something of that nature!

    Hey, thanks

    As far as a level editor is concerned, I agree that it wold be good to have a tutorial that teaches how to make one. However, that's more of an advanced project so I won't be including how to make one in this series I'm afraid. This series is pretty much aimed at beginners.

  • Hey, thanks

    As far as a level editor is concerned, I agree that it wold be good to have a tutorial that teaches how to make one. However, that's more of an advanced project so I won't be including how to make one in this series I'm afraid. This series is pretty much aimed at beginners.


    I just figured that since it is aimed at beginners, those that graduate Platform School won't be total beginners, which is when I think a level editor tutorial might become really wanted!:)

  • Alright then, if you wanna wait before releasing anything... You could at least still work on them and modify the ones you finish, right? : D

    Also... Hmm. How could you work the collision system with, say, slopes? But I suppose that's a more advanced trick, ain't it?

  • I won't be covering slopes in the tuts, no. It's not that they're much more advanced than any other custom modifications, it's just that I haven't messed around with slopes enough to feel comfortable writing about them.

    If anyone else wants to tackle a slopes tutorial, feel free

    Or if anyone has a method that would work with Platform School the way that it's currently set up, I could include you as a "Substitute Teacher"

  • Well, I've been looking at how the collision system works with slopes, and it seems, in my game, for some strange reason, the character always moves with the slope properly on the right side, while on the left side, it acts like there's something else above the slope that it can stand on. Really odd. But it works perfectly when I try an elipse in the PS ones. Even stranger.

  • Drasa presents: Platform School 4.5 - Slope hijack!


    There's still one known problem - the animation angles. How much would I appreciate if the rotation angles could be set separately from the animation angles. Because of the lack of this feature, I can't set Charlie to face the right way in slopes, cause setting the rotational angle sets the animation angle too. Ashley/Rich/Dave, would you mind implementing them separately?

  • [quote:3fv18o4v]Well, I've been looking at how the collision system works with slopes, and it seems, in my game, for some strange reason, the character always moves with the slope properly on the right side, while on the left side, it acts like there's something else above the slope that it can stand on. Really odd. But it works perfectly when I try an elipse in the PS ones. Even stranger.

    That's weird I had a similar problem with slopes though. It worked when I set the hitbox of the platform behavior sprite to per pixel collision, and not like it should be bounding box (since that hitbox/detector is a square after all). When it's set to bounding box it acts on certain slopes as if they were set to bounding box as well. While all slopes are set to per pixel. Very weird, since it only does that on certain slopes. But still check if your slopes are actually set to per pixel collision (I guess you have anyway).

    Something else: actually vertical platforms aren't that hard to do. With one major drawback: jump sustain doesn't work because the action jump ignores whether you hold down the key or not. At least that's what I came up with. If anyone has a solution with jump sustain I'd really like to see that... but with the future version of construct the need for this will become obsolete anyway I guess.

    Just saw the slopes hijack by Drasa. Very nice indeed.

    But would you actually rotate the player to the same angle as the slopes in a normal J'n'R?

    I guess you wouldn't. And it's a nice addition that you slip down from it, but as far as standarts go I would let the player stick to the slopes. But maybe that's just me.

    Plus it doesn't seem to work with other shapes than 45 degree slopes, right?

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