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For Adventure, Action, Heroes, Sci-fi and Action-RPG games.
  • I finished my first game in Construct! Hooray!

    In GUYMAN HERO, you star as the titular GUYMAN who is trying to save his planet from the infernal aliens. I love my platformers to be hair-tearing hard (think "I Wanna be the Guy" and "MoneySeize") and i think this one is no different.

    <img src="">

    Game Updated on 2010-01-30


    Update: 2010-01-13


    I'm working on a more fully featured version. Stay tuned.

  • Game is so hard. I don't need this kind of aggravation in the morning

    Why why why mines everywhere and those things jump too fast and argh!

    <img src="">

    Do you know how long it took me to pass this screen? And then I died on the next screen and the game glitched and just started restarting the music and level over and over again and I had to close it.

    Second time through I gave up here:

    <img src="">

    TinyPic renames images, but rest assured I saved that screenshot as "fuckthis.png." HARD GAME.

    Quite well done, though . Just not my cup of tea.

    I would love to see a video playthrough if you want to record one

  • Heh, thanks for giving a shot regardless of the sadistic difficulty! Again, this is my first game ever and i'm not exactly a level designer so i just made them hard.

    Actually, you almost made it to the end of the game. That platform mess screen is the second last one. Would you give it more of a shot if the game saved checkpoints to a file so you can close the game and come back to it later?

    Also, since you seem to be a seasoned Constructor, how would you make the moving platforms? I seem to be having trouble getting the player to land on them correctly.

    And, i'm sure you noticed this, but the music will sound different every time it restarts. I tried using the "play music from file" option in the AudioX object, but then it seems to start the song twice. So, i had to use "autoplay sound from file" for the music. Any ideas?

    A walkthrough might be fun. I'll see what i can do.

    EDIT: Sorry, playthrough. Also, Deadeye, not sure if you're interested, but i'm curious what someone who's been using Construct for a while might say about how i've been using the program. If i sent you the cap, would you poke around it and give me some pointers? If not, that's cool too.

  • Also, since you seem to be a seasoned Constructor, how would you make the moving platforms? I seem to be having trouble getting the player to land on them correctly.

    They seemed to work fine for me? v<img src="">v What is the issue you're having? Or course, I couldn't even get on the second lower platform in that last screenshot I took so maybe that's where people are having problems?

    Also, if you're using 0.99.7 or above there should be a fix for jittery players on vertical platforms. Is that what you mean? Like I said, I didn't notice anything odd.

    And, i'm sure you noticed this, but the music will sound different every time it restarts. I tried using the "play music from file" option in the AudioX object, but then it seems to start the song twice. So, i had to use "autoplay sound from file" for the music. Any ideas?

    Don't know, I'd have to take a look at your .cap. You can pm it to me if you like, just bookmark or comment the sound stuff.

  • HORRIBLE HORRIBLE GAME! Just the difficulty I mean.

    Man It's hard, way too hard for me to even contemplate playing through. Not a big fan of these types of platformers, I haven't got the skill or patience to get 8 or so pixel perfect jumps right on the money. But I understand the appeal of playing something this hard.

    Overall it's a great first game - just too hard.

    I'd like to see some stats of how many times I died - Maybe deaths per screen and deaths per game. Maybe name the rooms as in Jet Set Willy & Technician Ted from the old Spectrum/Amstrad/Commadore64 era & more recently VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV (I know thats too many 'V's but I'm too lazy to check).

    Did I mention it's hard. Right I'm going back to playing this BIATCH! Just to prove I'm no platforming ******

    PS - Good luck with the entry in the Assemblee Compo.

  • Beat it:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • Ah, I see what you mean about the platforms now. It took me a while but I managed to fall through one.

    It looks like a bug in the platform behavior. It appears that the player is timedeltaing right through the top edge of the platform so a collision isn't being registered. If there isn't a tracker item for it then I'll add one, I know David wants to make the platform behavior as good as he can.


    Sending this example to the tracker: ... %20bug.cap

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  • I really like this game Feeble! For a first game, you certainly are off to one helluva start. I think you have a really cool game on your hands.

    I'd love to see this game expanded. I have this crazy number like 500 layouts in my head, lol. It would be cool to make the game around the concept of enduring through so many layouts and then like have a timer so that finishing can be compared to other players based on the amount of time that's elapsed. You could have the timescore uploadable by the user someplace so that a leaderboard can be kept and players can compete (of course the timerscore upload option would only trigger when you finish the game).

    I wouldn't change a thing difficulty-wise. That's the fun of it in my opinion. All this game needs is more layouts.

    Please PM me when the full game is done (I think PM's go to our personal email addresses). I'd gladly pay for this game.

    Keep up the good work!

    P.S. I loved that lever you have to shoot at in order to move the platforms. I'd add some more things like that in somewhere in later levels, too.

  • This game is tough, but quite fun. Thumbs up for the graphical style and feel of the game. I got to the same screen as Deadeye before I gave up, it seems that the guy kept slipping right through the platforms as I jumped on them. Overall it's a nice entry and a game I would be able to get into if the difficulty was toned down a tiny notch and a bit more scenery was added. Keep at it.

  • Thanks for the feedback!

    MaxMan777: Yeah, i'm already planning on expanding it. The only reason it's so short is because i had to submit it to the TIGSource Assemblee Compo. Also, when you finished it, did you encounter a boulder near the end of the game? For some reason that thing keeps getting triggered too soon.

    Davioware: In the expanded version i'm also planning on adding an easy difficulty function that will destroy some enemies before you start. Maybe implementing it Ninja Gaiden style where if you die X amount of times on the same screen, it will ask if you want easy mode.

    deadeye: Oh, right timedelta. Um...i read about that and how everyone should use it but i couldn't figure it out. Should i be using it?

  • Uploaded a playthrough video for those of you having too much trouble with the game.


    I also uploaded another updated version of the game, which has minor fixes but does not fix the platform falling glitch. Yet.

  • deadeye: Oh, right timedelta. Um...i read about that and how everyone should use it but i couldn't figure it out. Should i be using it?

    Behaviors like Platform use it automatically. You only need to use it "manually" so to speak when you are moving objects around with your own custom events, or if you are making any time-sensitive stuff like, uh, timers I guess.

    All it does is make things framerate independent, so they're not running faster on faster computers.

  • Oh, should i be giving the moving platforms the Platform behaviour, too? Or is the "platform" attribute checked enough?

    Just thought of that now.

  • [quote:28mazjju]Oh, should i be giving the moving platforms the Platform behaviour, too?

    No. Unless you want them to run around and jump on each other I guess .


    Here's the comment from your .cap

    [quote:28mazjju]Here's where we control the moving platforms. For some reason, the player might fall through the platform if the platform is moving up. Should i be using TimeDelta here?

    And the answer is yes, you should. You are moving them manually instead of using a behavior. Behaviors like Bullet, Platform, 8Direction, Ball, etc. etc. all use TimeDelta automatically. Any time you change something over time (like an object's position) without the use of a behavior you should use TimeDelta to insure that it will run at the same speed on all computers.

    Those platforms will run at different speeds on different computers. Monitors with a high refresh rate will have kickin' fast platforms, which could cause even more fall-through than normal.

  • Okay, I've altered the .cap you sent me so I start at the screen with all the moving platforms. (I've also altered it so that the only thing that hurts me is lava and I still can't pass that screen )

    Anyway, it seems to me that I'm falling through the platforms a lot more now than when I played the version you linked in the OP. I had to actually try to fall through then by jumping around needlessly while the platform was moving up. Now it seems I just fall through like, whenever.

    You might be able to make a hack that uses an invisible solid sprite that is overlaid onto the platform sprites, and when the player is below the solid change the collision mode to "none." Then when the player is above it, change the collision mode to "bounding box." It should fix the issue with the player, but your aliens could glitch if they're intersecting the platform when it turns solid. You'd be trading one glitch for another that way, but it might be the best option as far as playability is concerned. At least until David fixes the bug that causes falling through platforms.

    Haven't taken a look at your sound events yet, I'll let you know what I find.

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