Thanks everyone for comments
Yeah, I see now that it's really my hardware. I ran that test from some other topic, rain shooter something and I had 11 fps at 800x600 where everyone else reported about 45 minimum and up to 70-100fps .
Also, I've put this new file which basically check on layout start if motion blur is supported and if not then it turns it off so you should be able to play regardless. This is just so I don't have to have two different downloads. So..anyone out there who's card doesn't support mb, can you check this file and see if that works.
All I did was to put something like -
Start of Layout - Motion Blur supported - do stuff as usual
MB not supported - turn it off and proceed with stuff (hope this works )
Here's the link and in case it works then I'll just delete those links up there and put this one to minimize confusion. ... atest.html
Also in this version, I think I've fixed the 'caught in the air animation' thingie .
About blurring pixel art, first reason would be greed . I saw the effect while testing the game early on and I fell in love, I guess. I think it adds a bit to the atmosphere, kinda like old movies being all blurry and smudged or at least that's how it kinda looked to me. Another reason would be since I have jitter effect while character is running is that MB somewhat hides this so I left it like that.