Hi, what's the command to wait a few seconds before the next one? For example, if in the game you are reloading, and you want it to wait about 3 seconds before you can fire again.
Are you using the turret behavior?
If so you can change the reload time in the properties menu.
No it's a top down shooter using the same kind of shooting as in the ghost shooter tutorial. I added the reloading in as an event (If r is pressed, go through the reload process)
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When you press R, you could set a flag to disable shooting, and use 'Call function after delay' in the function object to call, for example, "EnableShooting" after 1 second.
How do I set flags? Do I just use private variables or is there another way?
A private variable is the best way, yes. When talking about flags as a programmer, we mean setting a variable to 0 or 1 .