H everyone,
I'm new to construct and love how its shaping up.
I was excited to learn that one could horizontally flip an instance of an object in the layout editor by switching is dimensions to a negative number. Sure enough, It works.
However curretly it seems to have a bug.. After switching to negative dimensions, using the mouse to actuallt drag its corners to adjust its dimensions no longer works properly.
In adition to eventually fixing this bug, might I suggest a shortcut key like "x" or "cntrl+X" to horizontally flip a selected object.
This would be incredibly useful for quickly populating levels with enemies, npc's and other props and simultaniously setting the direction that particular instance is facing.
For me, this would be especially wonderful, as I'll be populating the levels with tons of trees, bushes and flowers and I'm trying to get as much mileage as possible out of the art by using flipped and resized versions of all this plantlife.
thanks for listening