Anyone still use Directsound?

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  • I want to remove Directsound in the next build or two if possible, since it's no longer supported or useful (Vista effectively removed support for it). XAudio2 now has matching features so it should be possible to port to XAudio2 without any loss of features.

    Is anyone still using Directsound? Would you be affected if the next build omitted to include Directsound? This would mean you would be unable to open .caps using the Directsound plugin.

  • i really believe removing it would be a bad move. i know vista doesn't support it anymore but not anyone run vista. ie: me ;D

    like the old wise men use to say, if its not broken, don't fix it.

  • i really believe removing it would be a bad move. i know vista doesn't support it anymore but not anyone run vista. ie: me ;D

    like the old wise men use to say, if its not broken, don't fix it.

    It IS broken; for every Vista user. You might not run Vista, but the players who play your games may well run.

  • I don't use it but I have been having problems with the XAudio2 playing the MP3 form resources....

  • Aeal: Directsound actually used identical code to play music, so it probably has the same problem...

    Border: if anyone plays your game with Directsound on Vista, it probably just won't have audio. XAudio2 works on both XP and Vista. Also, looking further forwards to Windows 7, it will also not support Directsound, and WILL support XAudio2.

    So I've been trying to get everyone to use XAudio2 as soon as I figured that out, because a year or two down the line, Directsound will be seriously useless.

    Would anyone be affected if Directsound was omitted from an upcoming build, though? At the latest, I want it omitted from the 1.0 release.

  • I'd be 'effected' but what would happen? I assume the events would just be gone? I really don't care, but technically something will happen!

  • I'd be 'effected' but what would happen? I assume the events would just be gone? I really don't care, but technically something will happen!

    Your CAP wouldn't load, actually. You'd want to port all of the DirectSound stuff to XAudio before DS is removed.

    Anyways, I don't have any objections to it's removal. Although you could always put a check box in the add plugin dialog to show/hide legacy objects and just keep the object itself.

  • Id say remove it, it doesn't add any thing, and not everyone can use it.

    Better to do it now, while we're still in beta.

  • Be free to remove but does Xaudio now have that positional audio thingy I can't check it atm cuz not on my own pc

  • Yes, the latest version added positional sounds .

  • I wouldnt be affected. Ive fooled around with Directsound but If I actually try to make a game Im not going to put any sound in it till 1.0.

  • leave it hidden, with a big *** warning when you click on it.


    because some people have caps lying around and it would be annoying if their work was lost because they were coming back to a project after not opening it...

    or at least make it in future builds that you can open files that contain direct sound events/actions, but they dont do anything (since direct sound is gone) instead of saying, cap could not load blablabalbablablalbla

    [making it so that you cant open old files with direct sound would be very bad.]

  • Could you do a auto convert for older CAP that has direct sound ?

    I know when I updated my CAP's I just clicked on the line with direct sound . Then clicked on the back button until I could click on the Xaudio. Then clicked on the Next button untill done.

    I know I would not like it if I could not load an old CAP because of direct sound. Could you make it so you could load the CAP but not run it untill you remove the direct sound code lines?

  • I think the easiest solution, without having to write lots of backwards-compatibility or importing code, is just to hide Directsound from the insert object dialog. Then you can open old .caps, but nobody will ever insert Directsound in to a new file.

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  • I like that solution. I got lots of old backup caps that I'd like to retrain access to.

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