Why doesn't collect all the 30 coins?

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From the Asset Store
30 high-quality 2D monsters. This asset is perfect for a side scrolling game, or even a turn based RPG type game.
  • Why doesn't collect all the 30 coins?


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  • You should pick with the coin, change the overlap event to 'coin on collision with player'.

  • Yes you can change the event to the collision condition. But just to make sure you understand how events work:

    The game runs through "player -> is overlapping coin" every single tick! (even without the "Every tick" condition)

    Means, if there's a tick, in which multiple coins overlap with the player at the same time, the condition is true -> but only 1 coin will be added, while all overlapping coins will be destroyed.

    So you would either need to change it to:

    ->For each coin --> player is overlapping coin

    As a nested event, to make sure that every single coin triggers this event if multiple coins are overlapping the player.


    instead of "Add 1 to coins". You could change the "1" to "coin.PickedCount". So if multiple coins are overlapping, it will be increased by the current overlapped value.

  • The game runs through "player -> is overlapping coin" every single tick! (even without the "Every tick" condition)

    Means, if there's a tick, in which multiple coins overlap with the player at the same time, the condition is true -> but only 1 coin will be added, while all overlapping coins will be destroyed.

    I didn't know it worked like that

    Thank you very much, it helped me to continue developing the game...

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