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All popular touch mechanics - scrolling, zooming, swiping
  • Some times when I am working in Construct 3 (Im using the Desktop version or whatever, not in the browser.)

    I will zoom on the layout and it acts like its in google chrome and zooms the UI of construct 3 instead. It will be so big or small that it is unusable, and I dont know how to reset the zoom of the UI or change it when I want too. So why is it happening and how do I do it? I am just holding Ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in but it seems to just be random. I cant even read the UI now its sooo small.

    Any help?

    Edit: Fix\Half fix

    If you Scroll with the Scroll Wheel first then hold Ctrl it seems to zoom the UI of construct. If you hold Ctrl first then Scroll it zooms the Layout view.

    Not sure if that is a bug or the way its supposed to work but I thought id post the fix here in case anyone else comes looking here for a fix. I dont really like that setup.

  • Edit: Fix\Half fix

    If you Scroll with the Scroll Wheel first then hold Ctrl it seems to zoom the UI of construct. If you hold Ctrl first then Scroll it zooms the Layout view.

    Not sure if that is a bug or the way its supposed to work but I thought id post the fix here in case anyone else comes looking here for a fix. I dont really like that setup.

    the same ctrl+wheel works for all browsers, or atleast firefox /chrome, what happens when ui of C3 and website zooms is that you are not focus inside the C3 interface. to get only C3 to zoom in or out you need to click the C3 layout or event inside the browser then use the zoom. for browser reset just click the top zoom icon and reset to default. on chrome that function is near the bookmark star at the end of the link address bar, for C3 reset zoom u need to go to zoom tool in the menu and reset it to 100%

  • I think its a bug in Construct 3. Try doing what I was saying and you will see that its not a click on layout focus issue. If you are scrolling before you hit Ctrl it zooms the UI. If you hold Ctrl first then scroll it zooms the layout like it should. I like the UI zoom option, I just wish it was set to a different modifier button instead of Ctrl.

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  • I dont think its a construct 2, just the way Windows and Chrome works. The first "listener" for the hotkey is the active program window, like Chrome in this case.

    If you used some VPN/remote client at least one time, this ctrl+wheel thing is the same as for example trying to send a ctrl+alt+del through the remote client to the destination client. You can't (easily).

  • +1 for make sure you hit ctrl before you start scrolling the wheel. Good find.

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