When do the Timeline animations happen?

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From the Asset Store
3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • I've a very specific problem, a character wall climbing a moving wall.

    Consider this wall is moving away from the character, but I want it to still be connected to it.

    Well, I read the walls position and reassign the position to my character, but it seems that the position I get in something like "Wall.X", is actually the previous position (i.e. the last tick).

    Am I correct? Does the Timeline animations happen before or after the "Every tick" trigger?

    I appreciate any feedback, thanks in advance.

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  • I even added a Pin to the wall, but the platform behavior keeps checking that there is no wall on the sides of the character (hence why it falls).

    So, is there any fix to it? is this a bug? am I doing something wrong? like, I can't make its position more precise than the "pin" behavior... I'm at a loss here.

    EDIT: just reiterating, the moving wall is moving because of a timeline.

    EDIT 2: I made this small example to showcase the issue.


    EDIT 3: Also, as you can see in the example, after you are pinned to the moving wall, if you jump when it's moving away, you perform the jump normally, but if you jump when the wall is moving facing you, then you hit your head below it, so that I think illustrates a lot of the problem where I think there's a mismatch between registered positions from the "every tick" trigger and the "timeline" movement.

  • So, it's not a bug!

    Timelines execute before all the behaviors and "every tick" triggers.

    I should've used Hierarchies instead of Pin.

    Diego explained it to me in the link below if anyone's interested:


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