Struggling with a Fade Out and Fade in on same object..

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  • So this ALMOST works perfectly but you can see in the video what's going on.. it fades out like i want.. it fades back in when i am no longer overlapping.. i got back over it and it fades out again, but then the next time i leave it doesn't fade back in..

    Notice the variable I have programmed to change to help control thing. here is a picture of the setup. note i have the fade in and fade out behaviors in the screenshot to the left.

    I just don't get it. why would it stop working on that particular time of not overlapping the object?

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  • Looks like the 'bug' is that the behaviour called fadein is stuck in fade out phase rather than Done once it completes. If you want to do this kind of behaviour feel free to make a function that reduces or increases the opacity over time because that seems incapable of going wrong. What you've done here is a bit hacky and I don't know how to override the pending fade out.

  • hey there thanks! i just saw this. ok i'm rusty on that but i know what you're getting at. I'll see if i can find a way to tween that value easily.

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  • dude that was awesome.. i got it working in minutes! i totally forgot tween's a thing now and it can work with values. thanks a ton!

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