Sphere effect bug ? Previewing different from layout view.

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • Hye !

    I'm using a sphere effect to emulate an old monitor screen effect.

    When parametering the effect in layout view, it works perfectly, but everytime I preview the layout, the sphere effect acts totally differently from expected.

    Layout view :

    the effect parameters :

    preview :

    Does anyone have any idea why I encounter this problem ?

    Thanks !

  • Some effects depend on the screen size, and the layout view simply has a different size than the actual view in game. You kind of have to ignore how it looks in the editor since what matters is how it looks in the game. Ideally it would look exactly the same but I'm not sure that's possible for some effects.

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  • Oh, you're right, when changing the size of the preview window, the whole sphere effect changes, and adapt (eventually looking like intended at certain sizes).

    I noticed even when zooming and moving around in the layout view, the sphere effect reacts strangely in real time. Is there any way to "lock" this effect ??

    As you can see, the sphere effect "follows" the scrolling down of the layout scroll bar. Is there a way to apply this effect without it moving around like that ?

  • Is there any way to "lock" this effect ??

    Not that I'm aware of.

    As I said I'd just make sure it looks good in the preview and ignore how it looks in the editor (or disable it in the editor entirely)

  • Ok, but won't it create issues when exported, like when the player plays on a website (or even in a window) and resize his window, scrolls on the page, etc ?

    Is the problem only happening in the preview window ?

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