How do I set up Google Play?

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Google Analytics 4 Plugin for Construct 3 enables metrics and analytics for your games easily.
  • Hi! I just tried to add google play to my game project but the website looks totally different and asks different things I don't know how to answer. I need to create a oauth screen, oauth login credentials etc.

    How do I set this up to work with Construct 3?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

  • The oauth setup to connect to google cloud services asks for a SHA1 key for my keystore file. But to run the "keytool" I need to install the Android SDK first?

    It looks like the manual entry needs an update Ashley?

  • Did anyone recently add leaderboards and achievements to a C3 game? I'm still trying to figure out how to set it up on Google Play.

  • Hi! I just tried to add google play to my game project but the website looks totally different and asks different things I don't know how to answer. I need to create a oauth screen, oauth login credentials etc.

    How do I set this up to work with Construct 3?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    you just need to watch some youtube videos about it and you will learn fast, i also had difficulties with this at first

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  • Couldn't find one how to set up google play for Construct. Only how to implement actions, but I know how to use the actions.

    The problem is the set up of play services in google play admin console. It asks for oauth and other things. But no clue what I have to enter to make it work in C3.

  • Unfortunately, there is no full explanatory video. It would be great if the Scirra team could help with this.

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