How do I send data/string to CSS?

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This collection of music is the beautiful performance of rather small strings ensemble (8 first violins, 6 second violin
  • Hi, I want to add a string to my CSS file uploaded on the server using Ajax.

    This is my code

    Maybe I need a .php? But I don't know how to do it. The CSS has all the permissions on the server.

    Thanks so much for the help.


  • Css is supposed to be read only, I've never heard of modifying it via post.

    Php is generally used to interact with web services, in particular databases like MySQL to provide dynamic content.

  • Css is supposed to be read only, I've never heard of modifying it via post.

    Php is generally used to interact with web services, in particular databases like MySQL to provide dynamic content.

    I want to change the css of a game from this app, how can I do it then?

  • For form elements used in game, the most straightforward way is to use the set css style action for each form element object directly. Other objects do not use css for styling.

    You can also prepare multiple different .css style sheet files in advance, and load each stylesheet on demand via the browser objects load stylesheet action.

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  • For form elements used in game, the most straightforward way is to use the set css style action for each form element object directly. Other objects do not use css for styling.

    You can also prepare multiple different .css style sheet files in advance, and load each stylesheet on demand via the browser objects load stylesheet action.

    Yeah, the problem is that I have a text editor and I want to affect to other game from this editor, so I need to edit the CSS, that's why I wanted to upload a CSS or edit the one of the game.

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