How do I Scale a Tilemap?

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From the Asset Store
Enchanted Forest & Cave 16x16 Tilemap with Environment Sprites
  • Hello,

    I am making a game where the player re-arranges pieces of an image. I am using a tilemap for the image.

    I have a high-resolution tile map (1800*1800), and I want to use it in an instance that is 600*600. When using a sprite we can use a 1000*1000 sprite in the animation editor, and resize the instances as we like.

    Is it possible to do that with tilemaps? i.e. use high-resolution source image, but resize instances differently.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you.


  • Resize (Alt R)

    Change the size then edit the properties of Tilemap to the Tile Width and height you want

    Here is a quick video:

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  • Resize (Alt R)

    Change the size then edit the properties of Tilemap to the Tile Width and height you want

    Here is a quick video:

    Thanks a lot. I think my question was not worded properly. I meant that I wanted to use the high-res version of the map without resizing.

    Similar to how we can use 1000*1000 sprite on a 10*10 instance.

  • I have never worked with HD graphics but I believe:

    If you make the sprite as a 1800x1800 then edit the Properties Size down to 600x600 it will keep the better resolution but give you a zoomed out image.

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