How do I restart a game?

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five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • So I have 3 main layouts, one for the gameplay (1) and the other two for the endings (2 and 3). In layout 2 and 3 each have a restart button that basically do this:

    Mouse clicked on Restart button -> go to layout 1

    And in layout 1 I have:

    On start of layout -> restart

    On start of layout -> reset global variables

    What this does is make the screen goes black and basically crashes.

    I added two lines above this because for some reason if you play the game once and you restart, layout 1 cannot be interacted with anymore so I thought I would reset it but it does not work.

    Can anyone please help?

    Here's the file:

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  • I think groups also keep their status and you deactivated "Start" at some point. You can add an action to set this group active with the other ones that are deactivated on start of layout.

  • I think groups also keep their status and you deactivated "Start" at some point. You can add an action to set this group active with the other ones that are deactivated on start of layout.

    Hey thank you! I posted this in another Construct forum and a helpful moderator helped me solve this problem. It was some group issues like you said and I corrected it.

    Thanks again!

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