Proper use of the Z Order bar: Instances not staying put

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • The documentation suggests that reordering sprites in the Z Order bar should affect the order in which they appear on the screen. However, moving them in the bar does not seem to be permanent, as they snap back to their initial order the moment I click away, even if I click the same thing again.

    For example, I click on the layout to make the bar show all instances. A tree sprite is currently in front of the player, so I drag the player up. Clicking the layout again just makes the player sprite go right back to where it was before.

    Even bringing a sprite to the front with the "move to top of layer" action doesn't seem to move the sprite to the front at all.

    Perhaps I am misunderstanding how the Z Order concept works.

    In case it's necessary, the project can be found here.


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  • The issue is the Tree as it has the "Z-Elevation" = 1

    All the objects on the same layer should be at the same z elevation if you want to use the z ordering (move to the Top or Bottom of the layer),

    If you are doing just a 2D platform game you can just leave the Zelevation always at default cero for all the objects to avoid confusion.

    I haven't done any 3D so not sure if that is how it should behave when they have different z-elevations.


    It is working as intended, here is the reference:

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