Would it be possible to implement custom code with the multiplayer plugin and java script?

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From the Asset Store
Two levels with two sistem Wave. with Source-code (.c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • So far the project is going well. Players connect and can travel across different maps.

    Just use the layer creation function to draw a new map and it will be ready to use.

    However, the player on map A gets data from the player on map B. I believe it is unnecessary and impractical to synchronize all players on all maps if they are not on the same map or even close to each other. Is it possible to implement js code to filter this synchronization?

    I believe this would greatly reduce bandwidth, as a player who was alone on the map would not need to receive thousands of unnecessary information. Just the chat.


  • The basic feature of multiplayer is sending messages. You can implement whatever custom filtering or synchronization you like on top of sending custom messages to specific peers. The built-in stuff basically is just a predefined synchronization system based on sending certain kinds of messages to certain peers, and you can make a different system by sending your own types of messages.

  • With the send message option I can choose who to send it to, which is great. Is there an option to do this with the sync object?


    See the logic of my game. The customer enters multiple layouts normally. The server only uses 1 layout. Each player is on a single layer represented by the layout they are on. Containing on the server in each layer: Block for collisions and synchronized objects.

    The solid filter to correctly block the player.

    When a player changes maps, they change layout and on the server they are moved to another layer.

    However, when the player changes layout he continues to see players from other layouts. Should I destroy these players on the client and create them again if they are on the same map?

    I would like to know if I am following the right path. Opening several tabs to serve as a server is not viable, because when I minimize the page or switch to another page, the game loses communication with the server, even after export.

  • Another quick question. If I choose browser tabs, is creating 100 tabs feasible?

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  • The best thing for multiplayer is that you use colyseus.io/framework

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