How do i make a Physics object stay on a Solid Object?

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This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • Hello Constructors,

    I have add the Physics and Solid behavior to the Ball and same behavior to the Wood. But when i play with string, the ball is falling from the wood, even it has solid behavior. How can i resolve this issue?

    Here is the Video Link:

    Thanks in Advance!


  • Physics is not compatible with Solid or other behaviors, see the official documentation:

  • As always dop2000 sir your quick response is highly appreciated!

    Now i got it that Physics is not compatible with Solid.

    So what would be the possible solution for it?

    I have tried the Wood as Immovable, but it is also not working. The ball still go through the wood. Here is the link of the C3 code:

    Thank you

  • Please read the quote from the documentation again -

    You can't directly change object's angle, position or size if you want it to interact properly with other physics objects. You also should not use behaviors like Tween or MoveTo. Use only Physics actions - set velocity, apply force, set angular velocity etc.

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  • Alright! i will try to resolve it.

    Thanks for your assistance

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