How do i make my objects stop being offset?

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  • Sorry for the confusing title, what's going on is that when I create a new object with system, if I delete it afterwards it messes up one of the objects and leaves the rest untouched. but if i don't, it returns to proper alignment.

    is this a bug, or fixable? Please let me know


  • I'm having trouble understand your issue: could you post a picture of your code or explain your issue more in depth?

  • the first instance of an object created by the system is offset for seemingly no reason, that's bassically what's happening.

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  • Could it be because of this: You have multiple "create object Pillar" actions on the same event. This makes it so that if you create another Pillar, both Pillars will follow the same action.

    What I mean is (in order):

    - you create one Pillar

    - you set that one Pillar's PillarNumber to 0

    - change its tween property "Position"

    - then you create another Pillar

    - then both pillars set their frame to 1

    - both pillars set the PillarNumber to 1

    - both pillars set their tween property "Scale"

    Is it because you are changing stuff to both pillars after you create the second object, it offsets it? Sorry for late reply btw

  • Completely fine, no worries. the pillar number was to set the animations, but it turns out that you can just do that, and somehow it will work (construct 3 logic hurts my brain sometimes)

    As for the code, It works perfectly fine as long as there is an instance of the pillar somewhere on the layout. if there isn't, then the first pillar is always offset.

    I've managed to make a workaround, where upon deletion it spawns another pillar out of sight and on a very far back background layer.

  • Oh ok. I hope your game works out.

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