How do I manage events across multiple layouts?

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  • Hi everyone. I am new to Construct 3 and I am just getting to grips with it. I have a good idea about the functionality of my game, but I am struggling to work out the best way to handle event sheets and procedures across multiple layouts.

    Say I have two layouts (Menu and Gameplay), each with their own events sheet. I also have a third event sheet where I hold my functions.

    Q1) Is this the best way to structure my project?

    Q2) What would be the best way of handling the following?

    I press a button on the Menu screen. The resulting actions are

    • Go to Gameplay screen

    • Call a function that animates the game board in the Gameplay screen

    My current solution is to hold the ‘Go to Gameplay layout’ event in the Menu event sheet and then call the function as part of the ‘On start of layout’ event held in the Gameplay event screen. However, I don’t think this is the best solution.

    Any advice, tutorials or documentation on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you"

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  • You could just keep the Gameplay related things in the Gameplay event sheet. If you must do it like this there is something called 'include event sheet', you can include your Functions sheet into Menu and Gameplay so it will read Functions all the time. You could also do it another way and taking your Functions sheet as a 'Main' one, then assign this to every layout and 'include' the Menu and Gameplay event sheets. Right-click on event sheet to include.

  • Thank you Lionz. I will explore these options.

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