Is there a limit to the amount of image points an object can have?

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This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • If not, is there any downside to having lots of them? Like twenty? Thanks!


  • There's only one origin point, but I think you mean image points.

    I'm pretty sure there's no hard limit to it, I also don't think there's much of an issue with having 20. Maybe there will eventually be some performance impact since the position of these image points have to be tracked through all possible image manipulations (translation, rotation, mesh deform,...) which I'd assume adds some math overhead. But that overhead is probably very small so I'd not worry too much about it.

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  • There's only one origin point, but I think you mean image points.

    Oops yeah I meant image points.

    I'm pretty sure there's no hard limit to it, I also don't think there's much of an issue with having 20. Maybe there will eventually be some performance impact since the position of these image points have to be tracked through all possible image manipulations (translation, rotation, mesh deform,...) which I'd assume adds some math overhead. But that overhead is probably very small so I'd not worry too much about it.

    Okay makes sense. Thanks WackyToaster!

  • There's no limit and I can't think of any downside to having a lot of them other than it might be hard to organize if you have, say, hundreds of them.

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