Issues With Moving Platforms

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • So i got 2 Character you can play as in this project, you play as only 1 of them in the layout.

    and 2 types of moving platforms, one that either goes up and down or from side to side, and one that goes in orbit, like a merrygoround.

    but sometimes my characters when just landed on the platform while said platform is moving Up or down the 2nd Character sometimes fall through it, especially with the 2nd one.

    it does not have that problem with the 1st character. and their Image points and collision poligons are the same both when idle and when jumping.

    how do i fix this?

  • Do you have any code that handles these interactions? If so, you might not be picking the correct player, and it's always picking the first instance.

    Also, don't use their sprite animations for collision checking and movement. Use a holding object that doesn't change and parent the player sprite to that object.

  • No i do not have any Instances for that. i only use the "Sine" Behavior to get the object to move back and forth for the 1st one, the second one it goes around with the "Orbit Behavior" there are also no instances for when landed on it.

    both Platforms also have the "Jumpthorugh Behavior"

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  • Maybe it's related to this bug?

  • i didnt find the information i needed in order to fix the issue

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