How can I improve my farm game?

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From the Asset Store
This is a puzzle game about farms and farm animals suitable for kids.
  • I made a touch based farming game to do the actions, and now I want to replace that with a character that interacts with things

    I'm trying to change some things, I inserted a character in 8 directions, and I need him to interact with the places to plant. water, paste, etc.

    The problem is that it doesn't work properly.

    Can anyone show me a way?

    this is the game i made

    I recorded the attempt to put the character with the controls on the screen, and such, but I don't know, it's all weird, buggy

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  • I had previously given up trying by character to do things, because I can't find anything to study about it.. without the character, doing everything by touch I managed..

    But now I need to expand the game to other areas, and I can't, so if I had the character walking around the map, it would be easier

  • Most farming games target something in front of your character. So you could simply check "on tap, is char overlapping plant at offset" and then do the plant watering action.

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  • I don't know if you can understand, but I made my planting system based on variables.. when the variable is 1, it prepares the land, when it is 2, it waters that land, etc etc.

    is this the correct way to make a plantation system?

    I'll try to make the suggestion you said about the aim being in front of the character and not at their feet

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