How do I improve the control of my player?

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Basic Rounded Vector Geometry Player Design with Glow for 3 player games
  • I made a mobile puzzle game where the player ocntrol a chameleon.

    My problem is the control is very slow and unresponsive. It's really annoying and break most of the fun.

    The point is, I juste don't get what make them slow in the code and how I can improve it?

    Here is the code, the move are made by pressing a sprite arrow (use a button) or by swip.

    Here is a link to the gam if you want to try it

  • What is all this code about arrive and depart? Anyway it doesn't seem slow it's just unresponsive. Use 'touch' instead of 'tap' to be more instant. And make the collision box of the arrows big enough for the player to comfortably touch.

  • What is all this code about arrive and depart? Anyway it doesn't seem slow it's just unresponsive. Use 'touch' instead of 'tap' to be more instant. And make the collision box of the arrows big enough for the player to comfortably touch.

    Arrive and depart is about the swipe. As it's a mobile game, someone suggest me to add this possibility of movement.

    I will try the touch thanks

  • Ah ok I guess it's not obvious you can swipe maybe add a tutorial but in my opinion you don't need swipe mechanic with this game. Also some other things, the game name is wrong. The audio is far too quiet. There are bugs such as sometimes when you pick up an object it destroys all the same ones of the same colour, and when you load into the next level it fails and leaves the player in a blank level.

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  • What is all this code about arrive and depart? Anyway it doesn't seem slow it's just unresponsive. Use 'touch' instead of 'tap' to be more instant. And make the collision box of the arrows big enough for the player to comfortably touch.

    It changes everything, it's far more plaisant to play thanks to you

    Let me bow you are a king

  • Good news! :)

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