How do I implement google IAP in construct 3 now it has changed?

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  • I have looked up tutorial after tutorial about google playstore IAP and construct and it has all totally changed? No one is mentioning it.

    Where I would have been able to setup IAP in the play store console it now says the following.

    "Your app doesn't have any in-app products yet to add in-app products, you need to add the BILLING permission to your APK"

    I am just going around in circles when trying to solve the problem. I can no longer edit or add google IAP in construct 3 like before because of this.

    What do I do?

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  • I have looked up tutorial after tutorial about google playstore IAP and construct and it has all totally changed? No one is mentioning it.

    Where I would have been able to setup IAP in the play store console it now says the following.

    "Your app doesn't have any in-app products yet to add in-app products, you need to add the BILLING permission to your APK"

    I am just going around in circles when trying to solve the problem. I can no longer edit or add google IAP in construct 3 like before because of this.

    What do I do?

    you simply export your game normally to .aab with the pugin IAP and then go to your google developer game page and create a closed test version and upload it and ready google recognizes that you have the plugin added now and that's it export to publication version

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