How do I implement falling and drag-and-drop interaction for a plastic bag sprite in Construct 3?

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  • I'm working on a 2D game in Construct 3, and I'm encountering some challenges with a level. In this level, I have a plastic bag sprite that should fall from the top of the screen, and I also want players to be able to drag and drop the plastic bag into the bin.

    I have implemented the falling behavior for the plastic bag, and it is descending vertically as intended. However, I'm facing difficulties in achieving the desired interaction when the plastic bag touches the bin_plastic. I want the plastic bag to be destroyed upon collision with the bin, but it's not working as expected.

    Furthermore, I have added the Drag & Drop behavior to the plastic bag, allowing players to drag and drop it into the bin. However, I'm having trouble combining the drag-and-drop functionality with the collision detection for the destruction of the plastic bag.

    I have tried using the "On collision" event between the plastic bag and bin_plastic, but it doesn't seem to trigger the desired action. I have also checked the collision polygons and bounding boxes, but there is no visible overlap during the drag-and-drop interaction.

    I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to properly implement both the falling behavior and the drag-and-drop interaction in Construct. Thank you!!

  • Can you take a screen shot of your oncollision event? I just set up a generic recreation in my engine and it seems to be working for me.

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  • Hello 2009antz2009,

    I managed to fixed the issue I was having. It it now working as expected! Thank you for your reply!

    Here's a screenshot of my eventsheet :

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