How do I implement an advanced camera feature?

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From the Asset Store
Simple and easily editable template for a dynamic camera that zooms in and out based on how far apart the players are.
  • Hello.

    Before everyone rolls there eyes I did an pretty in-depth search for something related to this question and couldn't find what I was looking for. The closes thing I found was a thread here on these forums, that was rather old and went unanswered. I am going to try my luck anyways. You guys have been great to me. (A little sucking up never hurts.)

    I have been developing my first platform game for a while now and ran into a problem when my friends played the test the first stage. The game is an automatic runner that basically plays like' Super Mario Run.' I want to keep the playable character off to the left side of the screen when running and have the camera stay towards the right of the screen, so that the player has maximum visibility of stage to make decisions as they are coming up. Do you know if there is a way to pull this off in Construct 3? And what code would I need to do it?

    Thank you.

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  • You can create an object for the camera, and use the pin behavior to attach it at whatever distance you want from the player.

  • Thank you.

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