All images are disappearing in constructor editor

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From the Asset Store
500 monsters and creatures images for card games - Set 1
  • lately when I try to develop a game larger than 150 MB I have problems, sometimes when I press play to test everything disappears in the layout and everything is blank, even if I close the project and reopen it, it remains buggy and only returns to normal when I refresh the page and I reopen the project but the same error always comes back when I try to test the game, my drivers are all up to date


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  • That's the icon for a crashed canvas. It likely means the graphics driver crashed, so it probably is a driver problem (it's possible even the latest available drivers are broken).

    You could try disabling hardware acceleration in the browser settings, but then it will probably be a lot slower.

  • That's the icon for a crashed canvas. It likely means the graphics driver crashed, so it probably is a driver problem (it's possible even the latest available drivers are broken).

    You could try disabling hardware acceleration in the browser settings, but then it will probably be a lot slower.

    I realized that nothing I do improves, but I know that the problem is in my PC and not in the engine, I need to improve my PC to adapt it to the new generation, Thank you very much Ashley

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