How do I position the player to the edge of the screen?

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  • Hi all,

    I have the player and an invisible object with scroll to behavior that works like a camera. All works good, except that my player always centered to the screen, instead I need to position him on the left side of my screen. how do I do that? Thank you.

  • Set the object with "scroll to" in front of your player, and then use pin behaviour to pin it so that it moves with the character.

    Another approach is to use "scroll to position"

    Every Tick > Scroll to X: Player.X + 100 (or how much ahead you want it to be)

    Y: Player.Y

  • Set the object with "scroll to" in front of your player, and then use pin behaviour to pin it so that it moves with the character.

    Another approach is to use "scroll to position"

    Every Tick > Scroll to X: Player.X + 100 (or how much ahead you want it to be)

    Y: Player.Y

    You mean to create another invisible object with the "scroll to", pin it to the player? This won't interfere with the "scroll to" behavior that I am using on camera?

    Maybe that's important to note, I have unbound scrolling checked.

    And this, image below. Didn't work for me.

  • I used to do this by checking the X of player and the camera(invisible object)

    Example: My screen's width is 3000 pixels. My viewport is 768x1366. So I will have conditions like these:

    If player.X >= 384

    OR player.X <= 2616 : Set camera X to player.X

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  • Can you share a file with is? if possible.

  • I just found a shorter way:

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