How to make flying meteors using MoveTo and Rotate?

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  • Hellooo

    I am making a side scrolling game with meteors that move from off-screen right to off-screen left, which players have to avoid. The meteors would look more realistic if they spin as they move.

    How to do that please?

    So far I have this:

    System -> Create object "meteor" at X,Y

    meteor -> Set collisions enabled

    meteor -> MoveTo X,Y

    meteor -> Set rotate speed to 10 per second

    Does MoveTo also set rotation speed? Can be disabled?

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  • I suggest using Bullet behavior instead of MoveTo. With bullet you don't have to worry about the destination, you just specify the speed and moving angle.

    Make sure to disable "Set angle" in Bullet properties.

    You can also add "Destroy outside of layout" behavior, or use Fade behavior with long timeout to automatically destroy meteors when they are no longer needed.

  • Thank you dop2000 the "Bullet" behaviour worked well :)

    "Destroy outside of layout" behaviour wasn't functioning, because they spawn outside of layout and immediately destroy. Uncertain about long fade

    Instead a sprite outside of the end of the layout for meteors to collide with and destroy themselves works ok

    I have meteors!

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