How do I fix my Music Problem?

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From the Asset Store
6 looping tracks to use in your games and projects. These tracks are in the style of the 1960s detective movie genre.
  • Hello, I am playing with Construct 3 where there are checkpoints and a tiel screen. If you die in a level, you end up at the checkpoint again. It was done like this: on load complete: aud Audio Stop All, Audio Play Music File. And when you touch sting: on collision with sting then load game from slot mysave. It all works, but if you are in the title screen so another layout and then click on "Load game" button then it loads the last checkpoint but the music is Suddenly louder then it should be. And when I touch a sting, everything is normal again. With the Load Game Button I simply said: when loadbutton clicked load game from slot mysave. The error only comes when another layout is loaded with Load Game From Slot My Save. Can someone help me?

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  • Is it possible that the music plays twice for some reason and thus it gets louder? Hard to say from just that description, but you can try adding a "Is tag playing" condition so the music only plays if it isn't already playing.

  • On the properties bar for the Audio object, set Save/load to None. It's usually not important to start the music from the exact same spot after loading. But if you do want that to happen, store Audio.CurrentTime("music") as a global variable and when you return, play the audio file and then seek to that time.

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