I'm using the contruct 3 web-engine.
I have a very large project, for example the largest Event-Sheet has about 800 lines/events.
If I click on one of these big eventsheets, sometimes the engine freezes for 1-5 minutes! Also copying anything from these big eventsheets can cause freezes.
The next problem: When I want to export the project (just for HTML5), the engine crashes completly and the browser tells me to restart or quit...
This happens like 4 of 5 times when I try to export the project.
Maybe it's just a simple browser-setting and you can help me out with that.
I'm using the newest version of firefox. PC-specs should be more than fine (i7-7700k, 16gb ram, nvidia gtx 1060 with 3gb ram, win7 64bit).
Best regards.