How do I fit tiles?

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Piano tiles
$9.99 USD
Template for a piano tiles game, fully documented in comments and video
  • hi there Construct community, i have an issue thats probably very easy to solve but i dont know how... the issue is with tilemaps. Some tilemaps i add fit the grid perfectly (all 32x32) but some dont align correctly to the other tilemaps, the end up on and different level and i dont know how to do this, i posted an image to better solve my problem. I am at a loss


  • Check the layers?

  • Is all in the same layer and same layout and same everything, they justo dont fit together even os everything the same

  • All tiles should be on top of each other placed on the grid since is all the same but doesnt

  • Is all in the same layer and same layout and same everything

    Maybe you can just move tilemap instances one relatively to other? If tilemaps are not ideal same tilesizes then push it few pixels forward/backward

  • > Is all in the same layer and same layout and same everything

    Maybe you can just move tilemap instances one relatively to other? If tilemaps are not ideal same tilesizes then push it few pixels forward/backward

    i will try to figure that you say that i dont understand at all since im new to tiles and having a hard time with the logic, in part having to select layer, then the tiles, then the tile drawing thing,... could be done better

  • > Is all in the same layer and same layout and same everything

    Maybe you can just move tilemap instances one relatively to other? If tilemaps are not ideal same tilesizes then push it few pixels forward/backward

    Ok i finally got what you were saying (English is not my primary language and im trying my best here) and it works. THANKS A LOT

    Just thought there were a better solution like... i dont know... adding image points to the tiles, so i can put one on the top left corner, so then it fits.

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  • > > Is all in the same layer and same layout and same everything


    > Maybe you can just move tilemap instances one relatively to other? If tilemaps are not ideal same tilesizes then push it few pixels forward/backward

    Ok i finally got what you were saying (English is not my primary language and im trying my best here) and it works. THANKS A LOT

    Just thought there were a better solution like... i dont know... adding image points to the tiles, so i can put one on the top left corner, so then it fits.

    and how could you make it better?

    Oh, thanks for asking. I would automatically select the tile in the editor, ready to paint, because if you select it, you want to paint with it, or at least double click to make it faster or more intuitive.

    Ah ok, thank you

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