some of my enemies fall through platforms with "Jump-thru" behavior.

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A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • at the start of the layout, if i have enemies placed on a "jump-thru" tilemap sprite.

    but if placed ontop of it, it falls through it at times doing start of layout ( there are no codes that would indicate that it should do that on start on layout)

    and if landed on another "Jump-thru platform" it stay on there, but somehow not on the first one it was supposed to land on.

    the sprites of the Enemies, sizes are 64 x 64, and the image point is paced directly in the middle.

    the enemies themselves also has "platform" behavior with 1500 Gravity and 1000 Max fall speed.

    this counts for all 6 different types of enemies. ( yes i got 6, with the same size and collission polygons shape btw)

    i wish i could have taken screenshots of outside of preview, but i tried and i could not insert them here, but i hope there is a way to fix it.

    Any sort of help would be apreciated.

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  • Didn't really got what do you mean by tilemap sprite, normal tilemap does not have a configurable colission box as far as i can see.

    First of all you can try to change jump-thru to solid and check if anything changes.

    Also you can try to disable platform behaiviour by default and make the following : on start of layout -> wait 1.0 sec -> enable platform behaiviour, and see if anything changes.

    As a work-around, you can use normal sprites with a jump-thru behaiviour with 0% opacity and place them under the platform image.

  • thank you for your response and sorry for the late answer

    i have sorta already solved the proplem by replacing the tilebackground (it was a Tiledbackground not a tilemap, my bad) with sprites that have jumpthrough behavior, on set the collissions to around to actual sprites.

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