How to get distance from pathfinding?

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  • hello everyone, I want to know how to get distance from pathfinding

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  • When the path found, you can repeat the node in the path finding behavior.

    Repeat Player.Pathfinding.NodeCount

    The distance will be calculate between node 1 and 0, 2 and 1,...etc.

    distance(Player.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(loopindex-1), Player.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(loopindex-1), Player.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(loopindex), Player.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(loopindex))

    You can add each of them into a total number and you will have the total distance from your player and destination.

  • When the path found, you can repeat the node in the path finding behavior.

    Repeat Player.Pathfinding.NodeCount

    The distance will be calculate between node 1 and 0, 2 and 1,...etc.

    distance(Player.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(loopindex-1), Player.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(loopindex-1), Player.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(loopindex), Player.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(loopindex))

    You can add each of them into a total number and you will have the total distance from your player and destination.

    Many thanks, it work

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