How do I create a map from isometric tiles?

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  • Hello,

    I am currently deciding on whether or not to use Construct over LibGDX for my next project so I am just trying out a few things in the free trial before fully committing.

    As mentioned above I have 64 * 64 isometric tiles and want to know how Construct handles the placement of these. Here is an example of a tile:

    As each tile is split into 32 * 32 sections, half of the tile is transparent but placing tiles next to each other causes the original tile to be replaced by just the transparent side.

    Can Construct handle isometric tiles?



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  • If you are using sprites it will work correctly when you tell it which sprites should be in front of which other sprites. It's like 1 line of code.

  • I wasn't using sprites. I was actually using a tilemap but I soon realised how the layers work and having multiple tilemaps layered could work.

    I couldn't fully test it due to only having 2 layers in the free trial so I think I'll get a membership as I am sure it would work just fine.

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